3 Tips to Transform Your Marriage

Back in school; we were taught how to sum up numbers, conduct scientific experiments in laboratories. There have being no concerted effort to handle the greatest, social experiment of all times called “Keeping Love Alive in Marriage”.

It is truly surprising to accept the fact that we know so little, on to sustain love after we echoed out the words “I do”. Thus, our marriage becomes our marriage becomes an evolving set of experiments, learning and discovering more and more about ourselves and each other, and figuring out what works and what doesn't. Some say if we don't make mistakes we don't really learn, but what do those mistakes cost us, and is the cost too high for some couples?

“The difference between failure and success is doing a thing nearly right and doing a thing exactly right” – Edward Simmons.
If you cannot wait to start doing things exactly right, check out Save My Marriage Today for answers: SAVE MY MARRIAGE TODAY

That's why I have 3 ways to instantly transform your marriage. These are 3 things that you know will work and will help you get your marriage back on track. Let's call this your error-free way to redeem yourself and your marriage in the eyes of your partner and show them that you are committed to making positive changes in your marriage

The FIRST TIP to transforming your marriage is to stop looking at your issues on a case-by-case basis. Couples that try to solve arguments by going into the small details of every argument are never really going to deal with the big stuff. I'm talking about the issues that REALLY matter in your marriage, and the issues that keep coming up in every disagreement.

Spend too much time at work? Is your partner feeling unappreciated? You do not make love as much as you used to? Either of you feeling unfulfilled by your lifestyle or the relationship? Is the communication poor in your relationship? Does your need to always be right overriding the feelings of your partner? Spend less time worrying about the details and more time examining the issues and themes behind your arguments.
  1. Is the issue your job: Then you need to balance between work and home life; home life should be top on your list.
  2. Is issue is you not doing enough chores: The theme behind may be that you are being invited into making a greater contribution into your union (marriage).
  3. Is issue is your partner being grumpy with you all the time. The theme is your partner needing to feel validated in the relationship.

If you have greater understandings of what the key themes are behind your marriage issues you are better able to develop effective solutions that will really make a difference.

The SECOND TIP to transforming your relationship is to examine your beliefs about marriage. It's okay to not have the fairytale marriage. Even the best couples don't always get it right. But what makes the imperfections good or bad is how you choose as a couple to deal with it. When you disagree about something, do you sit down and talk about it, or is your first instinct to deny that there is a problem and hope that it will all go away?

“You always pass failure on the way to success” – Mickey Rooney.
If you can't wait a moment longer, check out Save My Marriage Today for answers: SAVE MY MARRIAGE TODAY

The THIRD TIP to transforming your relationship is in recognizing the differences between men and women, and acknowledging the importance of both roles in the relationship. Just because your partner views something different to you doesn't make them wrong, and the same goes for you. There are often several interpretations of the truth, and the key to marriage success is in recognizing that women and men have key fundamental differences in the way they view things. For men, their view may be a much more task-oriented approach to fixing an issue, where a woman may focus more on the emotional process as you both navigate your way through marriage issues. While both approaches are different, with compromise they can both achieve the same result.

If you can't wait a moment longer, check out Save My Marriage Today for answers: SAVE MY MARRIAGE TODAY
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